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CPD stands for Continuous Professional Development. It is a Holistic Approach to assessing the individual or group ability to progress their skills further, with regular updates to their success.
CPD points, help to build enough credit to complete, or go towards other qualifications, such as OFQUAL, VTCT etc. As experts in this field, we know that to keep up to date with all necessary skills are required by law, and approved by training academies, combined with accrediting bodies (us)!
CPD is considered a standard, internationally, and we are officially connected to the CPD-INDEX, which gives us our international worth. What does this mean? It means you can learn in the UK, and still have recognized qualifications abroad. There may be law requirements for aesthetics and also for teaching, so please be mindful this may vary from country to country.
Most commonly known and used for CPD assessment. Tends to combine both practical, and theory, lots of different assessment options, from q and a, to group work, to individual research, multi choice questions, essay work and so on.
Great use of group learning, so this can be ideal for those who work as a team on the same work project, and a great form of work bonding and extending social skills. This also offers a great chance to network from business to business or learner to learner.
Can be quite similar to a work shop, but a work shop is usually done over a longer period of time, extending to 2 - 3 days.
Since the pandemic we have seen a massive extension of online learning, from all trades, but particularly in the cosmetology industry. This can be preferred, as it tends to be more self paced, with less overall expense, but may not be ideal for those more hands on learners.
Assessment usually requires an online question sheet of some kind, with a number of case studies.
A very enjoyable and popular option for those who are both learning, or progressing their own ability and business.
There are different forms of learning at these events, from live demonstrations, to practical try-outs, to attending live speaker sessions.
There are also more business opportunities at these events, as guests can enter competitions, or even take advantage of sponsorship slots.
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